Michelle Wetzel

Domain 4: Professional Responsibilities

School Library Media Specialists conduct professional responsibilities such as self-reflection, submitting budgets, interacting with the community, and pursuing professional development opportunities. Teacher requests are collected and taken into serious consideration when submitting orders for resources. Parents are considered a part of the library's success, along with other neighborhood libraries. The librarian communicates and instructs the school community on the topics of plagiarism and copyright.

Work Cited

Danielson, Charlotte. Enhancing Professional Practice: A Framework for Teaching, 2nd edition.
   Alexandria, VA: ASCD, 2007. Print 


PTO Budget PowerPoint Presentation

This Presentation is an example of the library media specialist showing professionalism through communicating budget needs. To ensure that students meet with success in the area of science, the I have put together a presentation requesting additional print, electronic, and online materials to enhance the fourth grade Animal Studies Unit.

Teacher Survey

This form was created for the faculty at our school and is used to gather information from teachers so that we can better meet the needs of the school staff and students. Information gleaned from this survey will affect the resources selected for the school library.

Three Year Advocacy Plan

This document outlines the goals for the library program and plans for gaining the support of the school community. It outlines goals for the school and the community. It also includes goals that focus 

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