Michelle Wetzel, LMS

Domain 2: The Environment

School Library Media Specialists must create a respectful learning environment, where investigation and literature appreciation are prominent. In doing so, procedures are clear and communicated, student behavior lends itself to inquiry and reading, and the space is inviting, organized, and attractive. The space should be clearly signed and give students the appropriate amount to space to move and work. When students visit the library media center, they should realize that talking about books, authors, and research is encouraged. Respect for fellow students is required: culturally, developmentally, and the acting with civility.

Work Cited
Danielson, Charlotte. Enhancing Professional Practice: A Framework for Teaching, 2nd edition.
   Alexandria, VA: ASCD, 2007. Print 


Scheduling Organizer

This organizer can be used to see which type of scheduling best fits the needs of your school: fixed, flexible, or blended.

E-Book Selection, Policy, and Procedures

Students of the 21st century are inundated with the ever-growing technology that has become available to them.  Therefore, it is imperative that the school library media specialist is proficient in the operation and management of these types of resources. One of the newest electronic tools to make its way into school libraries is the e-book, an electronic format of a book. The inclusion of e-books brings about special challenges for the library media specialist in regards to policy, procedure, and collection management.

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